–Asylum 13 Medulla Maduro 6×60
Asylum 13 Medulla Maduro 6×60 cigars are a bold and flavorful offering from cigar masterminds Christian Eiroa and Tom Lazuka. Each cigar is hand-rolled at the El Aladino factory in Honduras. Many enthusiasts consider this line to be Asylum’s finest creation, which says a lot given the brand’s reputation for bold, innovative offerings.
This line serves as a bolder sequel to the acclaimed Medulla Natural series. Unlike its predecessor, these cigars are not Honduran puros. The filler and binder are from the same premium Honduran Corojo leaves as the natural. However this line features a Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper.
These cigars deliver a powerful flavor experience, characterized by notes of leather, espresso, earth, and black pepper. These cigars were initially offered in boxes containing both the round Medulla and box-pressed Oblongata vitolas. Now, each shape is now sold separately to cater to individual desires.
The Medulla Maduro 6×60 measures 6 inches in length with a 60 ring gauge, providing a perfect balance of size and flavor. Available in boxes of 25 for $209.95, these cigars can be purchased online or in-store at Nick’s Cigar World.
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