The Padron 1964 Anniversary Series is a one-of-a-kind cigar celebrating the Padron’s 30th anniversary. This particular Padron cigar is extremely limited and blended from top shelf tobacco harvested in their Nicaraguan farms. The Padron 1964 cigars are box-pressed and possess a medium to full body smoke accompanied by affluent and intricate aromas.

Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Cigars
The Padron 1964 Cigar Anniversary Series line was introduced in 1994 to commemorate the company’s 30th anniversary. The Padron 1964 Cigar line consists of ten sizes that are all available in sun-grown natural and Maduro Wrappers. All tobacco used in this limited production series is aged for four years, making the 1964 Padron Cigar a smooth and complex flavored cigar. In honor of the age-old Cuban tradition of box pressing cigars, the Padron 1964 Cigar was introduced as a box-pressed series.

The Padron 1964 Anniversary is considered to be one of the finest cigars, Nick’s Cigar World knows this is a cigar worth dropping into your humidor. From single cigars and six packs to boxes of 25, Nick’s Cigar World is dedicated to providing you multiple options for buying Padron 1964 cigars online.

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