– Plasencia Reserva Original Robusto
Plasencia Reserva Original Robusto is a distinct cigar that exemplifies the artistry and expertise of the Plasencia family, one of the most respected names in the cigar industry.
The Robusto is a Nicaraguan puro that is delicately crafted using tobacco grown on the family’s Nicaraguan farms. This cigar is a classic choice, often referred to as an oldie but a goodie. It offers a balanced smoking experience with an enjoyable duration.
What truly makes this cigar line unique is that they are the world’s first and only certified organic handmade cigar. For those who like to follow a clean lifestyle, this will be a great choice. If you value organic products this should be your go-to cigar.
The Plasencia Robusto cigar is known for its mild-medium bodied profile. Upon lighting it, you will experience notes of vanilla, caramel, marzipan, nuts, and fruits. The cigar is available in various sizes, including Churchill, Corona, Cortez, Nestico, Robusto, and Toro. It has been well-received, earning a rating of 92 and being ranked as the #25 Cigar of 2022.
The Plasencia Reserva Original Robusto is sized at 4 3/4 x 52. Nick’s Cigar World affordably prices the Robusto at $77.95 for a box of 10, and $8.75 for a single cigar.
To see our other Plasencia products click HERE
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