-The First 20 Years Gordo Cigars
The First 20 Years Gordo Cigars were crafted to mark cigar mastermind Christian Eiroa’s first two decades in the premium cigar industry. The flavor and strength of this line remind cigar aficionados of vintage Camacho blends. Inspired by a special crop of tobaccos gifted by his father, this blend is both bold and unique. The binder and filler tobacco of these cigars is considered an heirloom as it hasn’t been used in 50 years. That’s right, 50 years.
This medium to full-bodied Gordo cigar offers a rich array of flavors including cocoa, espresso, and baking spices. Its nutty and earthy undertone provides a harmonious and intricate smoking experience. The tobacco used in these cigars is grown in the renowned Jamastran Valley. After harvest, the tobacco is transported to the El Aladino Factory in Danli, Honduras for production.
Crafted to honor CLE Cigar Company’s first 20 years of crafting exceptional cigars, The First 20 Years Gordo cigar is sized at 6×60. Upon launch, this line received a 92-point rating. These cigars are box-pressed and affordably priced at $259.95 for 20.
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