-The First 20 Years Colorado Toro
The First 20 Years Colorado Toro cigars highlight the Eiroa family’s century-long heritage in tobacco cultivation and cigar production. Crafted by the talented Christian Eiroa, these cigars reflect the family’s unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and quality.
Made at the well known El Aladino factory in Honduras, these cigars are true Honduran puros. This means that all its components—wrapper, binder, and filler—are sourced from the fertile Jamastran Valley in Honduras. Each cigar is adorned with a rich, leathery Honduran Corojo wrapper, which adds to its unique character and visual appeal.
This cigar is classified as medium to full-bodied and offers a delightful array of flavors including espresso, oak, and cinnamon. Many cigar enthusiasts also note undertones of toasted nuts, coffee, and cocoa. All together, this results in a complex and satisfying flavor profile. One of the most notable aspects of this cigar is its creamy peanut butter Corojo taste, which has earned widespread acclaim among smokers.
Each cigar in this line is packaged in 20-count boxes featuring a lift-top design secured with a leather ribbon. This thoughtful packaging pays tribute to Christian Eiroa’s grandfather, who stored his prized cigars in a trunk at the foot of his bed, adding a personal touch to the product. The First 20 Years Colorado Toro is sized at 6 x 54 and is available in boxes of 20.
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