
Asylum Nyctophilia 770

Asylum Nyctophilia 770 cigars are not beginner-friendly. The name “nyctophilia” means an attraction to darkness. Appropriately named, these cigars embody this attraction to darkness both in falvor profile and appearance. Each cigar features a striking sable San Andres wrapper which covers premium Nicaraguan fillers. The result is one of the darkest Maduro cigars to ever enter the premium cigar market.

With an oily Maduro leaf, spicy Nicaraguan Maduro long-filler, and Nicaraguan Maduro binder, these triple Maduro cigars are not for the faint of heart. While many have considered a full Maduro cigar before, it took the creative and daring minds over at Asylum to successfully make it a reality. These cigars have flavor notes of black pepper, subtle earthiness, and rich cocoa. Each cigar is handmade at founder Christian Eiroa’s renowned El Aladino factory in Honduras.

Nyctophilia cigars burn slow and burst with flavor and character. They have been described as “almost too much cigar” for the average smoker, but are surprisingly smooth. They are carefully constructed to have a consistent draw. Experienced cigar aficionados will appreciate the body and depth of these cigars.

Asylum Nyctophilia 770 cigars are, as you might’ve guessed, 7 inches long with a 70 ring gauge. They are available in boxes of 25 for $209.95 online or in-store at Nick’s Cigar World. Place your order today and take a trip to the dark side!


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Weight 1 oz



7 x 70





Country of Origin








3 reviews for ASYLUM NYCTOPHILIA 770

  1. Anonymous (verified owner)

  2. Dale J. (verified owner)

    These cigars are great — if you ever get them.

    Nick’s Cigar World sent me a box, but they have not arrived two weeks after I ordered them. And the people at Nick’s could not care less. I called them twice, and they say the postal service is bad — and it’s not their problem. Talk about poor customer service!

    I have bought from Nick’s many times, but this will be the last.

  3. Arthur Crais Jr (verified owner)

    Excellent and quick service. Great prices for this outstanding cigar

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