
Asylum Nyctophilia 550

Asylum Nyctophilia 550 cigars are not for the faint of heart. The name “nyctophilia” means a comfortability in darkness. Aptly named, these cigars embody this attraction to darkness both in appearance and flavor profile. Nyctophilia cigars feature a striking sable San Andres wrapper which covers top-tier Nicaraguan fillers. The result is one of the darkest Maduro cigars ever to hit the market.

With an oily Maduro leaf, Nicaraguan Maduro binder, and a spicy Nicaraguan Maduro long-filler, these triple Maduros are not as beginner-friendly as some others from Asylum. While many have considered an all Maduro cigar before, it took the innovative and daring minds behind Asylum Cigars to successfully make it a reality. These cigars have flavors of black pepper, rich cocoa, and subtle earthiness. Each cigar is handmade at co-founder Christian Eiroa’s renowned El Aladino factory in Honduras.

Nyctophilia cigars are slow burning and bursting with character and flavor. They are meticulously constructed to have a consistent draw. They have been described as “almost too much cigar” for the average smoker, but are surprisingly smooth. Experienced smokers will appreciate the depth and body of this cigar and might just be swayed to the dark side.

Asylum Nyctophilia 550 cigars are, as you might’ve guessed, 5 inches long with a 50 ring gauge. They are available in boxes of 25 for $179.95 online or in-store at Nick’s Cigar World. Place your order today!


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