-Asylum 867 Auntie Petite Corona
The Asylum 867 Auntie Petite Corona is a distinct offering from the innovative Asylum brand, marking their first venture into flavor-infused cigars. This unique creation uses a special steeping process, where the cigars are either immersed in flavored liquid or placed in a controlled environment to absorb specific aromas. This results in a bold and flavorful smoking experience.
The Asylum 867 Auntie Corona is a Honduran puro, featuring a dark chocolatey Maduro wrapper that enhances its flavor profile. Handcrafted at the CLE factory in Honduras, these medium-bodied cigars offer a well-balanced smoking experience. Cigar enthusiasts have noted the immediate impact of the steeping process and sweetened cap. The flavor profile is characterized by sweet maple syrup notes, hints of apple and brandy, and holiday spice undertones.
Originally developed as a collaboration between Deadwood Tobacco Company and CLE, these cigars were initially released as the “Chasing the Dragon” series. Now rebranded under the Asylum name, the line includes the Auntie, Midnight Oil, and Zero variants, maintaining the same beloved blends and flavors.
The 867 Auntie Petite Corona is 5 inches long with a 44-ring gauge. It is available at Nick’s Cigar World individually ($9.50), in 5-packs ($45.13), and in boxes of 20 for $169.95.
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