-Asylum 13 Nicaragua 770
Asylum 13 Nicaragua 770 is a big boy of a premium, Nico puro cigar. Switching countries from the usual Honduran blends made by Christian Erioa, this joint venture with Tom Lazuka stems from Nicaragua. This brand is known for producing large gauge cigars, with vitolas ranging from 60 to 80 ring gauge. The Asylum 13 Nicaragua line features a dark, Habano leaf wrapper and a combination of aged Cuban-seed long-fillers. When sparking one of these babies up, you can expect a complex, medium to full-bodied smoke.
The cigar carries an array of flavorful, Nico-influenced goodness, along with a slow cool burn. Additionally, the cigars are expertly handcrafted and designed to provide a flavorful smoking experience. As a true Nicaraguan puro, the 770 is like no other thanks to its large size and bold taste. The brand’s focus on producing high-quality, large-gauge cigars has made it a favorite among cigar aficionados who appreciate bold, flavor-filled smoking experiences.
Including the 770 size, the brand has six sizes available- 5×50, 6×52, 6×60, 6×80, 7×70, and 8×80. The Asylum 13 Nicaragua 770, as you may have guessed, comes in at 7×70. It is available individually ($10.95), in packs of 5 ($52.01), in boxes of 10 ($84.95), and in boxes of 20 (169.95). Order yours online today at Nick’s Cigar World, a renowned destination for cigar enthusiasts!
To see our other Asylum products click HERE
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Thomas Tamasy (verified owner) –
fast, fast delivery
Bill Cody (verified owner) –
Keith (verified owner) –
First time trying this cigar great smoke fast delivery
Lyndon Johnson (verified owner) –
Great price. Will be reorder soon.
Jamel Allen (verified owner) –