-Asylum 13 Corojo 660
Asylum 13 Corojo 660 cigars show the brand’s reputation for crafting bold and innovative premium cigars. Offering a medium to full-bodied experience, these cigars deliver a rich tobacco core with a complex flavor profile. Smokers can expect notes of earth, espresso, and cedar. They have a silky sweet finish and a refreshing citrus undertone. The excellent construction ensures a consistent burn and draw, hallmarks of Asylum’s commitment to quality.
These Honduran puros are handcrafted at Asylum’s esteemed Tabacos Rancho Jamastran factory in Honduras. The cigars boast a flawless, chocolate-brown Corojo wrapper that covers choice Honduran long-fillers. Each Corojo wrapper is carefully selected to ensure a smooth, unblemished appearance.
The 660 is, as you might have guessed, sized at 6 x 60. It’s available in boxes of 25, affordably priced at $199.95. These cigars offer novices and aficionados a premium smoking experience that balances tradition with Asylum’s creative approach to cigar making.
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