-Asylum 13 Cool Brew 660
Asylum 13 Cool Brew 660 cigars are a unique and innovative offering from a brand known for pushing the boundaries of cigar production. These cigars are medium-bodied and feature a well-aged dark Maduro wrapper. They are Honduran puros, with every component originating from the Eiroa family farm. Additionally, they are handmade at the El Aladino factory, which is also in Honduras.
What makes these cigars unique is the steeping method used during production. This is a process in which the cigars are stored in a closed-off environment to absorb the desired flavors. In this case, the infused flavors are mint and coffee. The Asylum 13 Cool Brew is the second series from Asylum to use this steeping method, after the success of the 867 line.
Asylum 13 Cool Brew cigars are designed to attract new smokers to the cigar world while also being an appealing choice for aficionados! The 660 cigar is sized at 6 x 60 and cost $255 per box of 25.
These are a hot commodity and fly off the shelves! We have some sizes available, but if we are out of stock in the size you want, pre-order by emailing us at orders@nickscigarworld.com!
To see our other Asylum products click HERE
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