-Asylum 13 Connecticut 550
Asylum 13 Connecticut 550 cigars are a fantastic offering from a collaborative effort between Christian Eiroa (known for his work with Camacho cigars) and Tom Lazuka. These cigars are handcrafted at the El Aladino factory in Honduras. They feature a silky, golden Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that covers a blend of Honduran long-fillers. This blend offers a balance of mellow sweetness and some fiesty spice, making this a great choice any time of day.
Asylum 13 Connecticut cigars are mellow to medium-bodied, making them a great choice for new and seasoned cigar smokers. They deliver a vibrant array of flavors from the start, including sweet and spicy notes. These cigars are known for their solid construction. They ensure a good draw and satisfying ash, highlighting the quality craftsmanship that we associate with the Asylum brand.
The Asylum Connecticut series marks a shift for Asylum, moving into milder terriroty without sacrificing any character. Asylum 13 Connecticut cigars are perfect for anyone who enjoys larger ring sizes and a smooth, flavorful smoke. The Asylum 13 Connecticut 550 is, as you might’ve guesses, 5 x 50. They are available individually ($8.95), in 5-packs ($42.51), and in boxes of 25 affordably priced at $179.95. Order yours today!
To see our other Asylum products click HERE
Pete Iannuzzi (verified owner) –
Jeff B. (verified owner) –
Love these. Fresh, light, easy to smoke and enjoy.