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-Schizo 660 Bundle

Asylum Schizo 660 Bundle cigars are a great option for cigar aficionados and novices seeking quality at an accessible price point. These Nicaraguan-made cigars result from a partnership between seasoned industry professionals Christian Eiroa, known for his work with Camacho and CLE Cigar Co., and Tom Lazuka.

The Asylum Schizo 660 distinguishes itself with a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, incorporating both long and short fillers. This approach allows for cost-effective production without compromising on taste. This creates cigars with exceptional value!

Characterized as mild to medium bodied, the Asylum Schizo 660 appeals to a broad spectrum of smokers. Despite its budget-friendly status, this Nicaraguan puro offers a surprisingly complex and well-balanced flavor profile. Enthusiasts can anticipate a combination of leather, cocoa, and spice notes, making these cigars versatile enough for all settings. These tasty cigars are known for a smooth, consistent burn from start to finish.

The Schizo 660 Bundle is considered a “Double Toro” and is sized at 6 x 60. These cigars come in boxes of 20 and are available online or in-store for $73.90 at Nick’s Cigar World.


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