-Schizo Maduro 752 Bundle
Schizo Maduro 752 Bundle cigars, produced by Asylum Cigars, offer an affordable and enjoyable smoking experience. This line is handmade at the El Aladino factory in Honduras. They feature a dark San Andres Maduro wrapper, which is known for its rich and robust flavor profile. The binder and filler are both Honduran, contributing to the cigar’s medium strength.
These cigars are known for their budget-friendly price, made possible by the “Cuban sandwich” filler blend. This term refers to the use of long and short fillers. While this method is typically associated with budget cigars, these beauties promise a smooth and consistent smoke similar to that of much more expensive cigars.
When you receive your bundle, you might notice a slight aroma of chocolate and walnuts. Upon lighting, you’ll taste those flavors along with pepper, cream, and wood. The Schizo Maduro 752 Bundle cigars are sized at 7 x 52. They come in boxes of 20 at a great price of $72.95. These tasty and affordable cigars might just become your new go-to cigar. Order today at Nick’s Cigar World to give these a well-deserved try!
To see our other Asylum products click HERE
Kiesha P. (verified owner) –
Mt boyfriend loved his gift. I look forward to ordering again. This time the 7×70.
Graham Lewis (verified owner) –
What a fantastic Maduro cigar, smooth and mellow and long lasting !!!!