Rocky Patel 15th Anniversary cigars go above and beyond all of Rocky’s previous offerings. This cigar received a 93 point rating from Cigar Aficionado. Additionally, this cigar has ranked in the Top 25 Cigars of the Year in 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2018. Yes, 4 times- an unprecedented feat!
Made to celebrate his 15th anniversary in the premium cigar biz, Rocky Patel 15th Anniversary cigars are box-pressed with a flavor-filled Ecuador Habano wrapper that covers Nicaraguan filler and binder.
This cigar exudes notes of cocoa, espresso, and spices. The intensity of this cigar builds throughout its slow burn and is balanced with a long, sweet finish.
This cigar is raved about and not to be missed. Nick’s Cigar World offers these beauties at the best price you will find. Order yours online today!
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