Eiroa Dark cigars are made in the Aladino factory in Honduras and were released in May 2019. These Honduran puros are made from 100% authentic Corojo grown on the Eiroa family farm.

These cigars get their name from the very dark Corojo wrapper which is quite limited in quantity, adding to the allure of these cigars. This cigar goes back to Christian’s roots in producing full-bodied, flavor-filled cigars.

This cigar is very bold with a syrupy-sweetness and noticeable hints of spice. The filler and binder are authentic Honduran Corojo. The tobaccos for this series consist of ligero (the strongest tobacco leaves that come from the top of the plant and receive the most sunlight) and seco (the mildest grade of filler tobacco) and are aged for a minimum of 4 years.

Eiroa Dark cigars have hints of pepper, chocolate, black cherry, leather, and cream. These are a real prize of a cigar that should be in everyone’s humidor.

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