Asylum 867 Zero cigars are a flavor-infused creation from the boundary-pushing minds behind Asylum Cigars. After rolling, these cigars undergo a steeping process where they’re either submerged in liquid flavors or enclosed in an environment to absorb aromas. The result is a well-constructed cigar that packs a flavor punch!

These Honduran puros feature a Maduro wrapper and have a sweetened cap. You’ll immediately notice the flavor notes of clove, stone fruit, and juicy tea. The extra burst of flavors and Maduro wrapper complement each other nicely, resulting in a medium bodied cigar.

Asylum 867 cigars are the result of a collaboration with Deadwood Cigar Company in South Dakota. These babies were originally released as Deadwood’s “Chasing the Dragon” series. However, they were recently rebranded under Asylum 867 with 3 variants: Zero, Midnight Oil, and Auntie.

Nick’s Cigar World sells these cigars individually, in packs of 5, and in boxes of 20- making it easy to try out all 3 or get a supply of your favorite flavors!

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