–Eiroa CBT Maduro Toro 654
Eiroa CBT Maduro Toro 654 cigars are excellently blended and shouldn’t be missed. These cigars, while full-bodied, provide a smooth and gratifying smoking experience. Renowned for its rich, bold, and meaty profile, the Maduro Toro 654 cigars offer a complex flavor blend. This intricate combination includes notes of coffee, dark chocolate, pepper, and charred wood. Although this blend is challenging to perfect, Eiroa has achieved it with this exceptional cigar.
This line is crafted at the esteemed El Aladino factory in Honduras. These cigars showcase the pinnacle of cigar-making artistry. The acronym “CBT” stands for “Capa, Banda, and Tripa,” which translates to “Wrapper, Binder, and Filler”, respectively. This name comes from the fact that all three parts of these cigars are made from ripe (Maduro) leaves.
The CBT Maduro series honors the Eiroa family’s rich cigar-making heritage, which spans over a century. Each box features a distinctive lift-top design, secured with a leather ribbon. This design pays tribute to Christian Eiroa’s grandfather, who stored his cherished cigars in a trunk at the foot of his bed.
Measuring 6 x 54, the Eiroa CBT Maduro Toro 654 cigars are available in boxes of 20, priced at $233.95. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned cigar smoker, these cigars are a must-try. Indulge in their rich flavors and smooth experience by ordering your box today!
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