–Asylum 13 Nicaragua 652
Asylum 13 Nicaragua 652 cigars are authentic Nico puros that depart from cigar master Christian Eiroa’s traditional focus on Honduran blends. This shift has been quite successful and the proof is in the pudding (well, in the smoke, but you get it)!
These cigars feature aged Cuban-seed long-fillers wrapped in a rich, dark Habano wrapper. Together, this creates a medium-bodied and flavorful smoking experience. When smoking this cigar, you’ll taste notes of espresso, cocoa, earth, sweet spices, and black pepper. These cigars deliver a slow, cool burn, allowing smokers to really appreciate all of the flavors.
This series is a great addition to the Asylum brand, which showcases the combined expertise of Christian Eiroa and Tom Lazuka. The construction of these cigars is robust, ensuring a good draw and satisfying ash— qualities we’ve grown to expect from such skilled cigar creators.
Asylum 13 Nicaragua 652 cigars are known for their balance of strength and flavor. This makes them a favorite among cigar enthusiasts seeking a rich and engaging smoke. Additionally, they’re celebrated for their quality and affordability, making these a great choice for novices. This specific cigar measures 6 x 52 and is available in boxes of 25 for $185.95 at Nick’s Cigar World.
To see our other Asylum products click HERE
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