-CLE Prieto 660
CLE Prieto 660 cigars are the largest offering in this line. They measure at 6 x 60 and come in boxes of 25. These cigars are Nicaraguan puros that feature an espresso-colored Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. The wrapper is where this cigar gets its name from, as “Prieto” is Spanish for “dark”.
These cigars are medium-full bodied. The flavors consist of coffee, dark chocolate, earth, sea salt, and a subtle kick of pepper. Some say the best way to enjoy this cigar is while sitting outside on a nice morning with a hot cup of joe!
The CLE Prieto 660 delivers an intense smoking experience that highlights the best of Nicaraguan tobacco. Its complex and layered flavors make it a must-try for aficionados seeking a bold and flavorful Maduro cigar. This series is praised for its construction, which results in a smooth, even burn.
Overall, Christian Eiroa’s expertise shines through in this vibrant and robust blend, solidifying the Prieto as a standout in the world of Nicaraguan cigars. The Prieto 660 is priced at $229.95 for a box of 25. Order now for a taste of the dark side!
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