– Plasencia Cosecha 151 San Diego
Plasencia Cosecha 151 San Diego cigars offer a delightful smoking experience. This cigar is characterized by a full-bodied profile with a blend of spicy, earthy, coffee, and sweet notes.
These Honduran puros feature a savory Maduro wrapper that adds depth to the flavor profile. From filler to wrapper, the San Diego cigars are meticulously crafted using premium tobacco leaves sourced from Plasencia’s farms in Honduras.
Handmade in Honduras, the Plasencia Cosecha 151 cigars are a product of the family’s 151st harvest in 2016, showcasing a commitment to quality and tradition. The term “Cosecha” translates to “Harvest” in Spanish, emphasizing the significance of the exceptional leaves chosen for this blend. This series replaced the 146 line that is no longer in production and used tobacco from 2011-2012.
With a construction that boasts tight seams and nearly imperceptible veins, these San Diego cigars are firm and well-packed. All to ensure a perfect draw with each puff. The color of roasted coffee beans adds to their visual appeal. This sets the stage for a smoking experience filled with rich flavors and satisfying intensity.
These cigars cater to those looking for a balanced and flavorful smoke that embodies the expertise and dedication of the Plasencia family. Whether you’re drawn to earthy tones, hints of coffee, or a touch of sweetness, the 151 San Diego cigars deliver a harmonious blend. This harmony promises an enjoyable and easy-to-appreciate smoking experience.
The San Diego is sized at 5 3/4 x 46 and is available at Nick’s Cigar World individually or in boxes of 10.
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